Micromax has just announced the Funbook Talk (P350) tablet in India for a street price of Rs 7,249. The budget tablet is a new addition to the Funbook line-up and now adds voice calls and GPRS functionality. The P350 features a dual-band GSM radio that allows you make and receive voice calls. This expands the functionality of the tablet and lets you stay connected even on the move and in places that don’t have Wi-Fi. According to the specifications, there is no 3G radio built into the tablet but Micromax has made provisions for that with support for 3G dongles via the USB port.
A new addition to the team
Tablet consists of a 7-inch capacitive screen along with a resolution of 800 x 480. The screen also has features like multi-touch, pinch-to-zoom, etc. Micromax is shipping the Funbook Talk P350 with Google’s Ice Cream Sandwich Operating System. The bundled version is 4.0.4 so you get all the enhancements and speed improvements that it has to offer. The tablet is also powered by a 1GHz CPU and comes with 512MB of RAM. Micromax hasn’t mentioned what SoC they are actually using, only that it’s a Cortex A8 core and is accompanied by a Mail-400 GPU. With this kind of horsepower onboard, we think the Funbook Talk should easily handle 720p video content, even 1080p, if it has the NEON decoding chip from ARM. There’s only a single front facing VGA camera for video calls through Skype and other apps.
Like their other tablets, Micromax is also targeting the education sector with this tablet. The Funbook Talk includes an e-learning app and allows users to access study materials, videos, multimedia, tests and assessment. The tablet also features sample papers and study materials for engineering, medical and MBA exams. The Micromax Funbook Talk also has good multimedia playback support. Audio formats supported include MP3, WMA, MP2 OGG, AAC, M4A, FLAC, APE, 3GP, WAV, etc. There’s also a whole bunch of video formats supported like MPEG, MP4, VIMKV, DivX, etc. Micromax has also included a miniHDMI port so you can connect the tablet directly to an HDTV. Last but not the least; the Funbook also features a 2,800mAh battery, which promises up to 5 hours of talk time and 112 hours of standby time. The tablet will come with 4GB of internal memory which can be expanded to 32GB via a microSD card.
Here are some of the highlights of the Funbook Talk once again:
Friday, 5 October 2012
Micromax launches Funbook Talk P350 tablet for Rs 7,249
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