India belongs to the third wave of countries to which the Apple iPhone 5, launched in the US on September 21, will be rolled out. It is available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB memory capacities, in either black and slate or white and silver colours. In the run-up to the official launch scheduled in India on November 2, we bring you a compilation of websites that are taking pre-orders for Apple’s flagship smartphone.
iPhone 5 on its way
eBay India
eBay India lists close to 2,700 offers made by numerous sellers located across the country for the iPhone 5 in all the available memory capacities and colours. As with all eBay products, the prices, warranty, return policy, shipping and handling charges, and other terms of engagement are determined by the seller. Prices vary with the seller’s location, memory capacity of the handset and the locked or unlocked status of the phone. Every listing has one or more payment options depending on the choice of the seller. Payment can be made via PaisaPay, major credit and debit cards, cheque, online bank transfer or demand draft. It is imperative to check if the phone one intends to buy on eBay is not locked to a carrier that does not operate in India.
Rediff Shop and Gift
Like eBay, Rediff Shop and Gift lists out offers for the iPhone 5 made by various sellers located in India. Prices, delivery time and shipping charges vary with the capacity of the handset and the location of the seller. Payment options include credit card, debit card, cheque, demand draft, Internet banking, and also redemption of Rediff Gift certificates. The sellers currently offering the iPhone 5 have provided an option to make the payment via EMI for a period of three months.
Retail website is taking pre-orders for the iPhone 5 with 16GB, 32GB, 64GB capacities in both the available colours. The listing states that no shipping charges are levied and delivery across India is done within 10 business days. Payment can be made via all major debit and credit cards and Internet banking. Snapdeal also offers the option of EMIs (Equated monthly instalments) for three months or six months for Citibank and HDFC credit card holders. The handset comes with a one-year warranty. The 16GB version is priced at Rs 45,500 for either colour. The 32GB version comes at a price tag of Rs 52,500, and the 64GB one is priced at Rs 59,500.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Retail websites taking pre-orders for iPhone 5 in India
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