Zync Global Private Limited, a maker of low cost tablets, has announced the launch of its new product, the Z930. The 7-inch tablet is priced at Rs 5,499. It runs on the Android v4.0 (ICS), which can be upgraded to the Android v4.1 (Jellybean) platform. The tablet will be distributed across 22 states, and will also be available through e-commerce websites such as Flipkart, Homeshop18, Naaptol, Snapdeal, Indiatimes, and Infibeam.
The tablet is powered by a 1.2GHz Cortex A8 processor with a Mali 400 GPU. It also offers in-built 3G support via dongles. It is fuelled by a 3,600mAh Lithium-Ion battery. Z930 comes loaded with 512MB of RAM, and weighs 340 grams. The other features include a standard USB port, a Micro USB port, a 3.5mm earphone jack, a microSD TF slot along with HDMI support. The tablet also boasts of features such as a G-Sensor that allows for motion sensor based games.
The tablet is powered by a 1.2GHz Cortex A8 processor with a Mali 400 GPU. It also offers in-built 3G support via dongles. It is fuelled by a 3,600mAh Lithium-Ion battery. Z930 comes loaded with 512MB of RAM, and weighs 340 grams. The other features include a standard USB port, a Micro USB port, a 3.5mm earphone jack, a microSD TF slot along with HDMI support. The tablet also boasts of features such as a G-Sensor that allows for motion sensor based games.
The Zync Z930 7-inch tablet
Here are some of the highlights of the Zync Z930:
- 7-inch capacitive touchscreen with a resolution of 800 x 480
- Wi-Fi, 3G via dongle
- 0.3-megapixel front-facing camera
- 4GB internal memory expandable up to 32GB via microSD
In terms of media, the Z930 supports a wide variety of both audio and video formats, including avi, mp4, vob, mpeg4, flv, 3gp, h.264, h.263, DivX, Xvid, wmv and mkv for videos, and mp3, FLAC, wav and wma for audio. The tablet also supports full HD video playback.
The Z930 comes pre-loaded with applications such as Ibibo, BigFlix, Hungama, Daily Horoscope, Bollywood Gossips, Your Trading Expert, Office Apps; games such as Angry Birds; a recipe app Sweet n Spicy; and social networking apps such as Facebook for Android. The tablet comes with freebies such as Rs 248-worth of Big Flix promo coupons, and also accessories such as a data cable, a headset, a user manual, a screen guard, and a lycra pouch.
On the occasion of the launch, Ashish Garg, Director, Zync Global Private Limited, said, “The Z-930 is our offering to customers who are looking for value proposition at an affordable price. Along with constant innovation of our products across various price ranges, at Zync, we lay a lot of emphasis on research and development and inventory and supply chain management to provide products par excellence with a faster turnaround time”.
“The tablet market has seen tremendous growth in the last few months and encashing on this potential, we plan to ride on this bandwagon by offering superior quality, excellent customer service coupled with cutting-edge technology. We plan to export our tablet PCs to countries like Africa and Latin America in the coming year,” he further added.
The tablet will come with a one-year pick-up-and-drop warranty.
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