Saturday, 29 December 2012

Pearson buys a small stake in Nook Media, wants a fast track for digital education

Publishers often want to work closely with e-book outlets -- possibly a little too closely -- but it's rare that they involve themselves directly. Pearson is taking that uncommon step by making a 5 percent, $89.5 million investment in Nook Media, the joint venture between Barnes & Noble and Microsoft. Some of the reasoning won't be made public until Barnes & Noble provides holiday sales results on January 3rd, but Pearson is clear that it's furthering its online education plans: it wants Nook Media's distribution skills to make a "seamless and effective experience for students." Just when we'll see this harmony is still up in the air, though. Nook Media has yet to outline what Microsoft's partnership means for e-books and e-readers, let alone how Pearson factors in. We're not expecting a sea change until companies start speaking up.

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