Samsung has been trying to innovate with its line-up of cameras that range from flip-out display and front LCD cameras to Wi-Fi enabled ones to interchangeable lens cameras and smart cameras. The Samsung Galaxy Camera that runs on the Android's Jelly Bean (v4.1) operating system was launched last month in India at a price of Rs 29,900. It is a cross between a superzoom camera and a smartphone of sorts. The Galaxy Camera is a hybrid that bridges connectivity and sharing with the performance of a digital camera. Unlike other Android-powered cameras, it supports both Wi-Fi connectivity and 3G/ 4G data connection; it is available in two variants: 3G + Wi-Fi and 4G + Wi-Fi. It has a 1.4GHz quad-core processor and a built-in Photo Wizard for the post-processing of photos. We did a quick QnA with Asim Warsi, vice president, Samsung Mobile India about the Galaxy Camera and based on our interaction, here is what Samsung had to say:
Why have you chosen to categorise the device under the 'Galaxy' brand, which is typically your mobile brand? Why not under your digital camera series?
The Galaxy Camera incorporates key features from both the camera and smartphone worlds. Its top photographic features include 21x optical zoom for increased usability, a 16MP BSI CMOS sensor and ‘Smart Mode’, which makes it easy for users to achieve high quality, professional-like images in just a few easy steps. From the smartphone world, the Galaxy Camera includes 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity, full Internet browsing support, and access to Google Play and Samsung Apps, all running on the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS.
The Galaxy Camera also shares the same design heritage of the globally-acclaimed Samsung Galaxy S III. The minimal organic design includes a large 4.8-inch (121.2mm) HD display, intuitive touch user interface (UI), and advanced management tools for simple, efficient and enjoyable operation.
More Galaxy Cameras on their way
Can we expect smaller and lower-priced Android-powered cameras from Samsung?
We will be launching more models as part of the Galaxy Camera family. However, we cannot give any further guidance on their features and pricing.
Are both the 3G and Wi-Fi devices already available for India?
The Galaxy Camera launched in India is both 3G and Wi-Fi enabled.
How do you think the Samsung Galaxy Camera would affect the sales of Samsung smartphones with high-end cameras?
We see both the Galaxy Camera and the high-end Galaxy smartphone market growing.
Do you plan to introduce the Android OS into cameras other than the point-and-shoot ones, say, your interchangeable lens camera range?
We will continue to grow both the Galaxy Camera and Samsung Smart Camera segments through innovative new product introductions.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Expect more Galaxy Cameras: Samsung
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